Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Best Darn Trailer Ever

There it is. Simply put, the best darn trailer ever, and it's a video game trailer.

I haven't seen The Dark Knight yet, I want to, but I may be limited to seeing it next Friday. Still working hard on classes. Played some Civ Revolutions and I just love that game. It's like the original Civ only about 1/4 length. I am on the second difficulty level and won a Cultural Victory as the Arabs and Economic as the Americans. I like the fact that eventually the computer declares war on you. It makes playing as a democracy worthwhile. Nothing else really new, this weekend is Cora's birthday party.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Over a Month, Apology Necessary

So, I've been too busy maintaining my 4.0 and trying to take six credits. I can't wait until the fall and 15. What with Cost, Tax and Advanced Accounting throw in some Financial Management and Business Law. I do apologize for not updating my blog more often.

That being said on to the important stuff....

Football, fantasy and otherwise:
Any amount of like I had for Brett Favre has disappeared completely. I am actually thinking of just getting a used Madden '08 copy even though I am getting '09 with Best Buy Reward Certificates(so pretty much for free). All he had to do was shut his mouth, go into Canton in five years and go down in history as one of the top ten QBs ever (albeit somewhat undeservedly, he is overrated somewhat), and one of the most competitive players ever. I guess the stress of being at home with the wife and kids wasn't worth it. Gee how many times can you and wife go wherever you want do whatever you want because of your near unlimited savings, and you're what 2 years older than me? My god Brett, that does sound stressful. I'd want to march right back into getting my head pounded in every Sunday, and lose a lot of the respect I had built up over 17 years. No one ever said he was the sharpest tool in the shed. I just don't get it. You think with the amount of personal tragedy he has had in his life he would want to spend time with those he loves.

Baseball, only Fantasy:
I'm competitive in 2 out of 3 leagues. I guess a bad draft killed me in WSFB, also I fell victim to what I like to call Nickel and Dime Injuries. Meaning the guy is hurt but not for long enough to drop. I think next year I am going to try to be AL. The fact this is just a weird year probably is hurting everyone.

Pop-culture: everything from Comic Books to Booze
I've started drinking Guinness, what a great beer.

Comic books are getting really incredibly redundant. The whole Ret Con thing has got to go. Am I the only person out there who would love to read a new story with the Avengers fighting the Masters of Evil? Comic books have become more and more like kid movies, they beat you over the head with their oppressive message. Yes, Civil War and Secret Invasion I'm looking at you. They should just be fun like Journey to the Center of the Earth and Kung Fu Panda. Too much preaching. My favorite comic, any horror/slasher comic, because of no grand scale message. After that, Conan. I'm dropping the Walking Dead, which I think any more the title is more indicative of the pace of the story than the content. I just can't justify spending $3 a month on a story where even I want to see the little kid and father die, just so something happens.