Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Is It Just Me or Does Heroes Really Stink This Year?

Thought I would elaborate on a point from last week. Heroes got a little better this week, but still way too subpar. OK, even if I could regenerate I'm not using household scissors to cut off my pinky. Come on! I'm probably not even doing it without about six shots of JD in me, regeneration or not. Claire should be one of the best characters, I mean forget that fact it's Hayden Panietiere and she can't act at all. It's just totally unreal(yes I know I'm saying this about a show about super heroes), and stupid, of course a bunch of you reading this are like, well if you could regenerate you couldn't get drunk anyways. I know which leads me to my big philosophical assessment about regeneration, you aren't any tougher because you can regenerate. Next week could be the last week for me and Heroes, if it is a choice between Halo 3(which is like 500 times better than the beta) and the show it might be Halo 3.

Football time, I saw on the power rankings the Pats fans talking smack. "Who on the Colts can cover Randy Moss?" Well, what if it is a playoff game and he just decides to give up? Which Randy Moss has done before. Let the Pats lose a game or two, then we will see the love for Randy ;) Forget all of that, none of the Colts needs to cover Randy Moss one-on-one. The Colts O can keep up with the Pats O, and so far we haven't seen a team do that. It's easy to throw downfield when you are up by a couple of scores. I think if the game were played today the Colts win 31-28. (What a copout!) They can run the ball with more physical presence and probably wear down an old Pats D. Pats fans, don't be like the Ravens and count your chickens before they hatch.

By the way, Colts lose this week to TB. The Pats lose in two weeks to Big D. Cowboys lose this week. By week seven the only undefeated team, "the old man and the team." The Pack,baby.

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